Good Cigar Co. is on a mission to make cigars modern and approachable. Our team was introduced to Good Cigar Co.'s founder, Will McQuain, through our work with Oust Labs, a startup accelerator based in Atlanta, Georgia. Good Cigar Co. is built on a simple concept: their team curates the best cigars from well-known cigar brands and factories and ships them in beautifully designed, humidity-sealed packaging with everything you need to enjoy the moment. Every pack includes a cutter, matches, detailed tasting notes and two perfect cigars - one for you and another to share.
With the approaching holiday season and a new subscription service in the works—Will needed a digital creative agency to design and engineer a website geared towards this new strategy. Good Cigar Co.'s team approached our team equipped with a beautiful brand style guide. Our job was to honor the brand style guide and make the user experience exceptional. Utilizing their extensive media library, we had a blast piecing the design together. Everything launched right on time.
“For me, cigars have always been about connecting people and celebrating the best parts of life.”